Flowers to celebrate women and deities

In India, flowers and leaves are essential elements of worship ceremonies and rituals.Tamil-Nadu reveals its secular and religious activities through a cortege of scents that fluctuates during the day.

Flowers to celebrate women and deities
In India, flowers and leaves are essential elements of worship ceremonies and rituals. In Kerala, they are used to create floor decorations during Onam festival.  Tamil-Nadu reveals its secular and religious activities through a cortege of scents that fluctuates during the day. The most pleasant fragrances are those of the flower stalls installed on the outskirts of the temples. Flower sellers tirelessly string barely hatched flower buds and their fragrant foliage on cotton threads.

Free translation from my book «Voyage dans l’imaginaire Indien, Kôlam, dessins éphémères des femmes tamoules » Editions Geuthner.

They braid simple and elaborate garlands to adorn women’s hair, for religious statues or marriages.

Flowers and leaves are essential elements of religious ceremonies and worship rituals. Apart from sacred offerings, they adorn the neck or body of the deities within the temple or during processions.

garland makers in Mylapore
Peacock shape floral hair ornament for Goddess Parvati